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<?php namespace commonhelpers; use commonmodelsConfig; use commonmodelsVideoApiLog; use Yii; use yiihelpersArrayHelper; use commonhelpersUniversal; use yiihelpersFileHelper; use yiihttpclientClient; use yiiwebServerErrorHttpException; /** * ffmpeg视频处理 * * @author wangjian * @since 0.1 */ class FfmpegVideo { public $ffmpeg = "ffmpeg"; public function __construct($ffmpeg = null) { if ($ffmpeg) { $this->ffmpeg = $ffmpeg; } } /** * 添加视频文字滚动 * @param $source string 视频 * @param $saveFile string 保存文件 * @param $text string 水印文字 * @param array $options 水印样式 * @param int $step 每秒步长 * @param int $star 出现时间 */ public function titleMod($source, $saveFile, $text, $options = [], $step = 20, $star = 0) { $command = $this->ffmpeg ." -y -i ". $source ." -async 1 -metadata:s:v:0 start_time=0 -vf "; $fonts = Yii::getAlias("@webroot") . "/fonts/simsun.ttc"; $fonts = str_replace("\", "/", $fonts); $fonts = str_replace(":", "\:", $fonts); $command .= ""drawtext=fontfile="". $fonts ."": text="". $text ."""; foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $command .= ":" . $key . "=" . $value; } $command .= ":x="if(gte(t,". $star ."),((t-". $star .") * ". $step ."),NAN)""; $command .= "" "; $command .= $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 图片水印 * @param $source string 视频 * @param $saveFile string 保存文件 * @param $waterImage string 水印图片 * @param $left integer 水印水平位置 * @param $top integer 水印垂直位置 * @param null $star 水印开始时间 * @param null $duration 水印时长 */ public function imageWater($source, $saveFile, $waterImage, $left, $top, $star = null, $duration = null) { $waterImage = str_replace("\", "/", $waterImage); $waterImage = str_replace(":", "\:", $waterImage); $command = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -i ". $source ." -vf "movie="". $waterImage .""[watermark];"; $command .= "[in][watermark] overlay=". $left .":". $top; if ($star) { $end = ($duration) ? $star + $duration : $star; $command .= ":enable="between(t,". $star .",". $end .")""; } $command .= "[out] " " . $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 给视频添加文字水印 * @param $source string 视频 * @param $saveFile string 保存文件 * @param $text string 水印文字 * @param array $options 水印样式 * @param null $star 水印开始时间 * @param null $duration 水印时长 */ public function titleWater($source, $saveFile, $text, $options = [], $star = null, $duration = null) { $command = $this->ffmpeg ." -y -i ". $source ." -vf "; $fonts = Yii::getAlias("@webroot") . "/fonts/STZHONGS.TTF"; $fonts = str_replace("\", "/", $fonts); $fonts = str_replace(":", "\:", $fonts); $command .= ""drawtext=fontfile="". $fonts ."": text="". $text ."""; foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $command .= ":" . $key . "=" . $value; } if ($star) { $end = ($duration) ? $star + $duration : $star; $command .= ":enable="between(t,". $star .",". $end .")""; } $command .= "" "; $command .= $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 将音频合并到视频中 * @param $videoFile string 视频文件 * @param $audioFile string 音频文件 * @param $saveFile string 保存文件 * @param $delay integer 声音插入延时秒数 */ public function mergeVideoAudio($videoFile, $audioFile, $saveFile, $delay = null) { $delayTime = 0; if ($delay) { $delayTime = $delay * 1000; } $command = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -i ". $audioFile ." -i ". $videoFile ." -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental -filter_complex "[0]adelay=". $delayTime ."|". $delayTime ."[del1],[1][del1]amix" " . $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 静音 */ public function audioMute($source, $saveFile) { $command = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -i ". $source ." -filter:a "volume=0" " . $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 提取视频的音频 * @param $source string 需要提取声音的视频 * @param $saveFile string 提取声音后保存的音频 * @return bool */ public function collectAudio($source, $saveFile) { $command = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -i ". $source ." -vn -acodec copy " . $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 去除视频声音 * @param $source string 需要去除声音的视频 * @param $saveFile string 去除声音后保存的视频 */ public function removeAudio($source, $saveFile) { $command = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -i ". $source ." -an " . $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 视频拼接 * @param $sources array 需要拼接的视频/音频 * @param $saveFile string 拼接后的视频/音频 */ public function spliceVideo($sources, $saveFile) { $commands = []; $temporaryFile = []; $basePath = sys_get_temp_dir(); $index = 0; foreach ($sources as $i => $source) { $file = $basePath . "/" . $i . ".ts"; $commands[$index] = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -i ". $source ." -vcodec copy -acodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb " . $file; $temporaryFile[] = $file; $index++; } $commands[$index] = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -i "concat:". implode("|", $temporaryFile) ."" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -absf aac_adtstoasc " . $saveFile; foreach ($commands as $command) { exec($command, $output, $result_code); } foreach ($temporaryFile as $file) { @unlink($file); } return true; } /** * 视频剪切 * @param $source string 需要剪切视频/音频 * @param $saveFile string 剪切后保存视频/音频 * @param $star string 剪切开始时间 * @param null $duration string 剪切时长 */ public function clipVideo($source, $saveFile, $star, $duration = null) { $command = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -ss ". $star; if ($duration) { $command .= " -t ". $duration; } $command .= " -i ". $source ." -acodec copy " . $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } const ROTATE_90 = "transpose=1"; const ROTATE_180 = "hflip,vflip"; const ROTATE_270 = "transpose=2"; /** * 视频旋转 * @param $source string 需要旋转的视频 * @param $saveFile string 旋转后视频 * @param $rotate string 旋转角度 */ public function transposeVideo($source, $saveFile, $rotate) { $command = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -i " . $source . " -vf ""transpose=1"" " . $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 视频转码 * @param $source string 需要转码的视频/音频 * @param $saveFile string 转码后的视频/音频 */ public function acodecVideo($source, $saveFile) { $command = $this->ffmpeg . " -y -i ". $source ." -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f mp4 " . $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 视频拼接 * @param $sources array 需要拼接的视频/音频 * @param $saveFile string 拼接后的视频/音频 */ public function concatVideo($sources, $saveFile) { $file = $this->createTemporaryFile(); $fileStream = @fopen($file, "w"); if($fileStream === false) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("Cannot open the temporary file."); } $count_videos = 0; if(is_array($sources) && (count($sources) > 0)) { foreach ($sources as $videoPath) { $line = ""; if($count_videos != 0) $line .= "n"; $line .= "file "". str_replace("\","/",$videoPath) ."""; fwrite($fileStream, $line); $count_videos++; } } else { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("The list of videos is not a valid array."); } $command = $this->ffmpeg ." -y -f concat -safe 0 -i ". $file . " -c copy " . $saveFile; exec($command, $output, $result_code); fclose($fileStream); @unlink($file);//删除文件 if ($result_code == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * 创建一个临时文件 */ public function createTemporaryFile() { $basePath = sys_get_temp_dir(); if (false === $file = @tempnam($basePath, null)) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("Unable to generate a temporary filename"); } return $file; } /** * 获取视频信息 * @param $source string 需要获取时长的资源 */ public function getAttributes($source) { ob_start(); $command = $this->ffmpeg . " -i "". $source ."" 2>&1"; passthru($command); $getContent = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $duration = 0; $widht = 0; $height = 0; if (preg_match("/Duration: (.*?), start: (.*?), bitrate: (d*) kb/s/", $getContent, $match)) { $matchs = explode(":", $match[1]); $duration = $matchs[0] * 3600 + $matchs[1] * 60 + $matchs[2]; //转换播放时间为秒数 } if (preg_match("/Video: (.*?), (.*?), (.*?)[,s]/", $getContent, $match)) { $matchs = explode("x", $match[3]); $widht = $matchs[0]; $height = $matchs[1]; } return [ "duration" => intval($duration), "widht" => intval($widht), "height" => intval($height), ]; } }
$ffmpeg = new FfmpegVideo(); $ffmpeg ->titleWater( "XXX",//原视频 "XXX",//处理后保存视频 "XXX",//文字 [ "x" => 30,//水平距离 "y" => 30,//垂直距离 "fontsize" => 20,//文字大小 "fontcolor" => "red",//文字颜色 "shadowy" => 2,//文字阴影 ], 200,//每秒移动步长 2//文字出现时间(秒) );
$ffmpeg = new FfmpegVideo(); $ffmpeg->audioMute( "XXX",//原视频 "XXX",//处理后保存视频 );
$ffmpeg = new FfmpegVideo(); $ffmpeg->clipVideo( "XXX",//原视频 "XXX",//处理后保存视频 0,//裁剪开始时间 10//裁剪时长 );
$ffmpeg = new FfmpegVideo(); $ffmpeg->concatVideo( ["XXX", "XXX"],//需要拼接的视频 "XXX",//处理后保存视频 );
$ffmpeg = new FfmpegVideo(); $ffmpeg->mergeVideoAudio( "XXX",//视频 "XXX",//音频 "XXX",//处理后保存视频 0//音频插入视频延时时间(秒) );
$ffmpeg = new FfmpegVideo(); $ffmpeg->getAttributes( "XXX",//视频 );
到此这篇关于php实现ffmpeg处理视频的实践的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关php ffmpeg处理视频内容请搜索IT博客社区以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持IT博客社区!
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